Even if your home is relatively new, the average U.S. roof requires re-roofing every 17 years, on average. Asphalt singles can require replacement as early as 12 years after installation. If any part of your home’s exterior breaks down, then bats can sneak in at night and make themselves right at home. Damage from winter storms, improperly installed siding or shingles, or even natural wear and tear all leave gaps in a home where pests like bats can enter.
In Michigan, the common little brown bat is known to form maternity colonies 2,000 strong. And although these flying mammals are a vital part of our ecosystem, they can also pose a serious health hazard to any humans living unaware in the same building. First, bats can carry rabies, and if a bat finds its way into your living areas and bites a member of your family, then they will require immediate medical attention. Not only that, but a bat colony quickly builds up massive amounts of guano (bat waste). If left unchecked, guano can cause Histoplasmosis, an airborne fungal disease that can attack your lungs and cause lifelong problems. And lastly, even though they might keep the local insect population under control, they’re also known to cause a disorder the medical community calls “OH MY GOSH oh my gosh there’s a bat in my room GET IT OUT GET IT OUT OMG!”So how do bats find their way into your home?
- Roof Line Construction Gaps: Most Michigan roofs have tiny gaps where roof planes join together, and bats can squeeze through the smallest cracks. Roofing Grand Rapids Michigan homes isn’t usually done with bats in mind, and sometimes entrances are left exposed after a long winter
- Damaged Flashing: Flashing is a weather proofing material used in residential roofing and installed underneath your shingles. Over time, cracks and tears can form. If bats make their way under your shingles, they can slip through damaged flashing and into your attic or crawlspaces. Sadly, not all Michigan roofers install flashing under eaves and soffits.
- Chimneys: This is one of the most common sources of bat infestations. Some homeowners have Michigan roofing companies install special chimney caps to ward off pests.
- Lack of Caulking: If a residential roofing contractor has performed a sloppy or incomplete caulking job on your soffits, eaves, or siding, then they’ve also left a door wide open for bats in need of a new roost.
During the winter, bats hibernate for long periods of time. Occasionally, they wake up disoriented and may fly into your living areas by mistake. Also, when young bats first start to leave the nest they can easily become lost, finding their way into your bedroom instead of the great outdoors. So if you’ve found a bat inside your home, examine your home for signs of a nearby colony.
Oils from bats’ fur can stain siding and paint. If you see subtle, dark stains surrounding a crack or hole in the exterior of your home, then it could be a sign of bats. Look carefully for gaps in your eaves, soffits, and siding where the flying critters could go in and out of your house. Finally, check attics or crawlspaces for signs of bats. Piles of guano are an obvious indication that it’s time to call in the professionals.
Ultimately, homeowners are advised not to try and handle a bat infestation on their own. If you suspect there are bats squatting somewhere on your property, then call an exterminator or pest control services to discuss your options. Always practice safety, caution, and common sense when dealing with wild animals like bats.In the worst case scenario, you could discover thousands of bats nesting inside your roof, attic, chimney, crawlspaces, and other living spaces. How bad can it get if left unchecked? Just watch this video of a terrifying bat infestation discovered by a group of unfortunate roofing contractors working on a Miami home. But be warned, this video is not safe for people easily creeped out by the sight of thousands of bats. Just remember, we warned you! Check it out below:
And please give your Grand Rapids roofing company a heads up if you suspect there are bats on your property! So what’s the #1 reason not to put off re-roofing Grand Rapids, Michigan homes this year? We know that homeowners often procrastinate roofing Michigan homes. On average, U.S. homeowners spend between 1 – 4% on home improvement and repair projects, but putting off needed repairs can cost you a fortune in the future. Don’t let a problem go from bad to worse to total nightmare. Roofing Grand Rapids Michigan homes is a necessity to ensure the safety and quality of your home. Plus, when roofs are properly maintained and installed, they can protect your home and family from a lot more than just bats. Michigan roofing companies wage a yearly battle against snow and ice, so they know the best techniques for roofing homes properly the first time. Remember: if you spot signs of gaps, holes, leaks, or wear and tear on your roof, don’t put off residential roofing repair until next year. Take care of your roof and you can make sure there aren’t any unwelcome pests sleeping under it!Subscribe to West Michigan Roofing's Blog